Moment Of Contact - UFO documentary review
Author: Aurelius Invictus, date posted: 01 November 2022 15:57

Moment of Contact is a very compelling documentary about a very compelling UFO-related incident that happened in 1996 in Varginha, Brazil. Dubbed as Brazilian Roswell, the incident had been witnessed by numerous observers who reported seeing not only flying objects but the occupants of the craft as well. Given that the incident occurred in a not-so-distant-past, the creator of the documentary – James Fox – has been able to track down most of the key witnesses and even some participants.
The case is presented in the documentary in a very clear, well-structured, and concise way. There is no filler. It doesn’t even make you want to question the truthfulness of the testimonies.
Moment of Contact is not your average UFO documentary. Many UFO documentaries only scratch the surface, leaving too many questions and hardly providing any answers. This one is different. While it certainly leaves the viewer with a lot of questions, it does dig beneath the surface. There are at least two points that stood out the most to me.

First - while James Fox and his team have certainly done an outstanding job of gathering witness testimonies, they went a large step further than most documentary movie makers – they found an ex-military witness who was participating in the secret operation and saw an alien body with his own eyes. And now he told his part of the story from his perspective.
Second – the film demonstrates very clearly how easy it is for the governments to conceal incidents like this. The documentary shows witnesses talking about intimidation that they went through after the Varginha incident. Men in Black. Threats. Offers of suitcases of money in exchange for silence. It makes me wonder, how many cases like this one have occurred in the past decades and nobody talks about them, because the witnesses got either too scared, or they took the suitcases of money that were offered to them? Of course, involvement of the infamous US government was also included in this case – predictably, they were the ones who took the bodies - and probably the remains of the craft as well. And it is likely that the mentioned Men in Black were indeed US governmental agents.
I wish there were more documentaries like this one. Before watching the Moment of Contact, I have never heard of the Varginha incident. I bet most people, even those who are at least mildly interested in the UFO phenomena, haven’t heard of it either. How many more cases are out there like this one, that wait to be discovered and investigated?
You can get your copy of Moment of Contact here: