Sunsets of Novigrad
Author: Aurelius Invictus, date posted: 26 November 2021 18:39

It was the evening of the 10th of October, and the sunset over the Istrian town of Novigrad was otherworldly. The sky was saturated with unbelievable colors. No known camera could possibly capture these colors accurately, and no screen could reproduce them. Nevertheless, it wasn't difficult at all to take a series of pictures. In most cases, I didn't even have to do any post processing - most of the pictures are presented here just as they were captured by the camera - no filters, not even contrast adjustments. One of the things that I found remarkable about that evening was that there were very few people at the seashore - usually there are plenty of tourists, and all of them are taking pictures of slightly pink sunsets on their phones. Clearly, they've all missed this one. The last two pictures from this gallery have been taken the day (or rather evening) after, on the 11th of October.